Share your ideas to celebrate the 7th International Day of Yoga at home

Share your ideas to celebrate the 7th International Day of Yoga at home
Start Date :
May 01, 2021
Last Date :
Jun 30, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, owing to its demonstrated benefits towards immunity building and stress relief, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21st ...

Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, owing to its demonstrated benefits towards immunity building and stress relief, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21st June as the International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 11th December 2014. Since 2015, this day has been observed all over the world in ever-growing numbers, with the objective of reminding people across the globe about the benefits of Yoga, and to build enduring public interest in Yoga by highlighting its importance and contributions to the public health.

The preparations for the 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY 2021) have already begun and the Ministry of AYUSH (MoA) is looking forward to active participation from the people. The event will be observed in compliance with the COVID-19 guidelines of the government, with a greater focus on digital activities. In these tough times, all are encouraged to “Be with Yoga, Be at Home”

With this backdrop, MoA invites all citizens to share their ideas on how people can plan to observe the 7th IDY at home with their friends and families while mobilizing the wider community to maintain the ethos of Yoga and ensure community wellbeing. These ideas can be further utilized by the Ministry in conduction different programs dedicated to building the enduring public interest in Yoga by highlighting its importance and contributions to public health

The last date for submission of ideas is 30th June 2021.

Showing 4248 Submission(s)
Megha Saini_14
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Megha Saini 3 years 3 weeks ago

This yoga day embark on new beginning by celebrating the joy of doing yoga with your loved ones and the rest of world.Yoga , the art of healing your self mentally and physically in all aspects of life should not awaits for any special occasion to do it. It should be done every day with your family.
We can celebrates this great gift of art by doing it daily even begining with small steps and improving each day .

Get up early in morning and begin with Surya namaskar.

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KAVITHA P 3 years 3 weeks ago

The practice of yoga, is a treasurable gift of the ancient people, unites the soul of body and peace of mind through thoughts and actions.
The posture function of asanas by stretching the muscles of the body heals many diseases. In this covid 19 pandemic, it is necessary to boost our immune system through asanas like pranayama which helps to expel out the toxins by breathing meditation.
By improving the essential needs and increasing fitness conscious in society helps to make aware of yoga...

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Smrati Devi 3 years 3 weeks ago

योग भगाये रोग ,करो रोग रहो निरोग
सभी स्कूल की सभी कक्षाओं में योग निश्चित किया जाना चाहिए । ये योग पद्धति सिर्फ विद्यामंदिर में ही है । बच्चों में योग की आदत डालनी चाहिए ।

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Amit kumar 3 years 3 weeks ago

मन रहेगा शांत: योग से मांसपेशियों का अच्छा व्यायाम होता है, लेकिन चिकित्सा शोधों ने ये साबित कर दिया है की योग शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से वरदान है. योग से तनाव दूर होता है और अच्छी नींद आती है, भूख अच्छी लगती है, इतना ही नहीं पाचन भी सही रहता है.

Cadets Amit kumar 5 up bn ncc skb 2pl.6/5coy ncc a. K I.c camps shikohabad

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Sadhana Saurabh 3 years 3 weeks ago

योग विद्या भारतवर्षस्य अमूल्यनिधिः।
सम्प्रति महानगरे प्रदूषणस्य समस्या अस्ति। ध्वनि, वायु: एवं जलप्रदूषण: महानगरस्य जीवनस्य विकटसमस्या अस्ति। एकल परिवार: महानगरस्य
यथार्थ: एतेन कारणेन जना: रुग्ना: भवन्ति। समयाभाव जनेषु परस्परं प्रेम: स्नेह: च न अस्ति। वयं सर्वे तनावग्रस्ता: भवाम:। अतएववयं नूनं योगः करणीय:। प्रतिदिनं प्रातः सायं योगं पूजनीयं। केवलं योगेन वयं स्वस्थ: भविष्यामः। अधुना अखिलं विश्वं अपि जून मासस्य एक एकविशतिः तिथि: योगदिवस: इति भायते।
