Design a Logo for Commemoration of 250 years of Rampur Raza Library

Design a Logo for Commemoration of 250 years of Rampur Raza Library
Start Date :
Sep 06, 2023
Last Date :
Sep 20, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

Rampur Raza Library, an autonomous institution of National Importance funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India & established in the premises of Hamid Manzil is one of ...

Rampur Raza Library, an autonomous institution of National Importance funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India & established in the premises of Hamid Manzil is one of the world's magnificent, unparalleled repository of cultural heritage & treasure-house of knowledge. The Rampur Raza Library was founded on 7th October 1774 by the first Nawab of Rampur State, Nawab Faizullah Khan.

The Library has a collection of approximately 17,000 manuscripts & rare items including 150 illustrated manuscripts with 4000 illustrations, 1,000 miniature paintings in 35 albums, 2,000 specimens of Islamic calligraphy in 84 calligraphy albums, 300 Art objects, 1300 historical coins, and approximately 64,000 printed books.

The rich collection also includes art objects, astronomical instruments, and historical coins. The holding of library covers the ancient and medieval languages such as Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Turkey, Pushto, Hindi, and Urdu languages. The manuscripts in these languages represent all important subjects including History, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Literature, Arts, and Architecture. The miniature paintings represent the Turko-Mongol, Mughal, Persian, Rajput, Decani, Pahari, Awadh, and Anglo-European schools of art which are considered immensely valuable for research scholars. In addition to the manuscripts, the printed book section has a unique importance, and this section contains hundreds of rare Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Hindi books, which are now out of print and considered important for research work and are carefully preserved.

The Rampur Raza Library is organizing a competition on MyGov to design the logo for the Commemoration of 250 Years of Library which will be used in all promotional activities, exhibitions, and printed materials. The library wishes to invite all citizens to create a logo to be used for the celebration. Design a logo that best portrays Rampur Raza Library’s glorious journey of 250 years. The winning design will be used in all 250th celebration materials throughout the year.

The LOGO will be launched on 7th October 2023, the Foundation Day of Rampur Raza Library.


The winning entry will be awarded with a prize amount of Rs. 11000 and a certificate. Also, the best 10 entries will be awarded with certificates.

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