Developing the best teachers

Teachers are the cornerstone of any educational system. Developing the teaching talent and incentivizing best teachers, retaining good teachers are all significant to improving the quality of teaching. Views are elicited so that our higher education institutions can nurture good faculty who in turn can propel higher standards in our students. This theme will focus in on the higher education sector.

• What strategies can be in place to attract the best from the university sector to teaching profession?
• How could support system for research and academic development be provided?
• What incentives could be provided to promote research among teachers of higher education institutions?
• Whether the scheme of National Mission on Teachers & Teaching is adequate or should it be enhanced with some additional features and what are they?
• What percentage of academic leadership training should be online?
• What percentage of Pedagogical training should be online?
• What percentage of Professional course training – should be online?
• What is the role of industry experts as teachers?
• Is not Academic leadership course essential for all VCs and principals?
• How can teachers be given exposure on a timely or constant basis to new knowledge being developed worldwide in their domain?
• Is not counselling an essential role of teachers also?

Name of the Speaker: Dr. Anurag Tripathi, Asst. Prof., Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Day, Date and Time: Friday, 5th June, 2015 at 4.30 PM

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the speakers / moderators do not, in any way, represent the views of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Government of India.

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Showing 88 Submission(s)
JAGDISH PATHAK 9 years 3 months ago

Teaching power and capacity,ability,dedication to teach the students is more important.The knowledge can be acquired from books,or computer-internet or there are so many sources to learn. but,the teaching quaulities can be created by training, encouragement to teacher, proper infrastructure,advance tools of teaching,practical approach is more important. Sincere and dedicated teachers are the base of nation building work and success of all the schemes of nation building.

Abbinaya Kuzhanthaivel
Abbinaya Kuzhanthaivel 9 years 3 months ago

" knowledge = know ledge"...knowing all ledges to achieve success. A teacher must be capable to bring the best even from a late bloomer. Teacher must inspire the students to find their inner actual abilities and guide to improve it . 9 years 3 months ago

In addition to the views
our education units, either college or school, should have all study rooms as subject rooms in spite of traditional class rooms.
This will-
1- Encourage teacher towards his duty and interests as well as allow him/her to do action research to implement his innovative ideas according to the need of subject,study and students in his laboratory i.e. subject room.
2- subj.labs of language,History,Evs fm primary level make the study more strong,interesting n scientific.
sanjeev bakshi 9 years 3 months ago

there should be judicious teacher - student ratio in universities, will ensure individual attention and quality
sanjeev bakshi 9 years 3 months ago

need to improve the quality of Ph. D. produced in India. Encourage independent thinking not just reproducing researches.
sanjeev bakshi 9 years 3 months ago

a national agency like UPSC required to recruit faculty for Indian Higher Education System. It will ensure quality and unbiasedness.