Inviting suggestions on the draft Bluebook on Mentoring

Inviting suggestions on the draft Bluebook on Mentoring
Start Date :
Nov 12, 2021
Last Date :
Dec 03, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

A National Mission on Mentoring (NMM) offers individuals to engage in the processes of learning under an experienced professional. To accomplish this goal a large pool of senior/ ...

A National Mission on Mentoring (NMM) offers individuals to engage in the processes of learning under an experienced professional. To accomplish this goal a large pool of senior/ retired faculty can be selected as potential mentors for mentees. The selected mentors would be utilized for the specific purpose of mentoring students, teachers and school leaders. This would provide an opportunity to network with experts, engage in forums to exchange 'earnings, best practices and disseminate findings across various domains.

A structure of mentoring, therefore, offers a solution to address the existing gaps in decentralized manner. To regulate the functioning of NMM at each level of education structure, different stakeholders/ actors interact with each other to achieve a common goal towards improving the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, skills and mindsets. The main objective is to improve school education system through enhanced leadership in education. This can be achieved through the incorporation of large scale, decentralized technology assisted mentoring structure at different level of education system.

In this regard, a draft document on NMM titled as "Bluebook on Mentoring" has been placed in public domain on 03.11.2021, as a set of guidelines towards creation of a document and platform for National Mission for Mentoring.

NCTE invites inputs, suggestions and feedback on the draft document "Bluebook on Mentoring" from all stakeholders.

Click here to read "Bluebook on Mentoring"

The last date to receive suggestions/inputs is 03/12/2021

Showing 469 Submission(s)
ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 2 years 9 months ago

Mentoring shall not be about right career and right job only for individuals successful life.
Mentors shall also guide how to achieve success in life alongwith contributing for nation building by becoming a good citizen.
ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 2 years 9 months ago

It is to be noted that just being highly qualified does not mean that person would be a good mentor.
Having long experience would also not ensure that the person would be a good mentor.
Long experience and qualifications does not mean that person is having the right attitude to guide others the right way.
So, only people with right qualifications and experience having right attitude and nationalist views shall be made mentors.

Murali Kumar 2 years 9 months ago

Modiji, Even after demonitisation, digitalisation the illeterates are exploited.To end this exploitation I request to allow Mentors to help vivid category group of people exploited by clever humans who pick the money of poor&illeterate.Mentors should be allowed to look after the welfare, help&serve people of category 1).Street petty traders 2). Beggars 3).Uneducated Village Men & Women 4). Urban Old aged people 5). Rural Old aged people 6). Handicapped 7). Uneducated Scheduled Caste & Tribes
ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 2 years 9 months ago

Many times students miss opportunities due to incorrect information and wrong advice.
Mentoring by knowledgeable and experienced persons can definitely guide them to a better future

sriram singh_3
sriram singh 2 years 9 months ago

हमें व्यवस्था को बदलना होगा या यूं कहें तो आत्म निर्भर जनता, जनप्रतिनिधि चाहिए। इसमें बेकार और भूतपूर्व जनप्रतिनिधि को दी जाने वाली सभी सुविधाओं, बेकार से राशन आदि सभी प्रकार के इस तरह के सरकारी धन खर्च पर अंकुश लगाने चाहिए। इसके स्थान पर बुढ़ापे पेंशन, निर्धन सभी लोगों को योग्यता प्राप्त करने हेतु मदद की जानी वह भी कम सुद दर पर ना कि मुफ्त।
मुफ्त योजना.==
सड़क, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, प्राकृतिक आपदा, किसान को सहयोग, वृद्धा पेंशन,। ।।

susanta kumar pattnaik_3
Susanta Kumar Patnaik 2 years 9 months ago

Central Government employees should be exposed to National surveys, assist at calamities and assist to any government relate calls.All India wide transfer, merit basis promotion or demotion.Decentralisation of central government departments say Railways,is to three parts 1. Indian Railway and Tourism Corporation 2. Indian Railway Corporation and 3.Indian Railway Transport Corporation and add three and make only" RAILWAY CORPORATION OF INDIA". Privatize unnecessary departments,say Survey of India

susanta kumar pattnaik_3
Susanta Kumar Patnaik 2 years 9 months ago

Central Government employees service should be 50 years of age or 25-30 years service is mandatory retirement to stop unemployment and unrest.Youth is a dialogue to communication but qualified youth in urban and rural areas widely seen unemployed ,no sources of income and deviation are quite evident.If qualified youth are the catalyst for Indian developmental strategy , how youth prerequisites should not filled-in.Not only government, Pvt/ limited set ups should follow the same.Salary hike-no

susanta kumar pattnaik_3
Susanta Kumar Patnaik 2 years 9 months ago

Sir,so called one rupee rice etc. ration should be stopped or the ration for below poverty line should be stop because to ensure dignity and self-respect of an individual.To restore better livelihood pattern, food for work and work v/s wage ,a policy should be implemented and any construction or renovation or any work order register workers should be engaged.Daily wage should be enhanced and digitalization to labour force should be.But no one rupee rice and ration to stop lazyness, unrest (drink

chandan Kumar suman 2 years 9 months ago

कहते हैं:-शिक्षण की प्रक्रिया सरल हो न कि थका देने वाली हो, शिक्षण जितना सरल होगा शिक्षा उतना ही सशक्त और कारगर होगा, जिस हम निम्न तरीके से प्रदर्शित कर सकते हैं:-
अगर हमें कविता पढाना है तो पहले उस कविता के अनुसार टी.एल.एम दिखाएं या बनिए(2) पुनः बच्चों से उस चित्र को देखकर उसने क्या अनुमान लगाया कहने के लिए कहे (3) उस कविता से संबंधित समान्य बात बच्चों से करें(4) पुनः शिक्षक उस कविता को पढें और बच्चे सिर्फ सुनें(5) पुनः दूसरी बार शिक्षक के बाद बच्चे भी लयबद्ध तरीके से गाए 5) पुनः छोटा सा vid