Inviting ideas for preparing India’s workforce for the Future of Work

Inviting ideas for preparing India’s workforce for the Future of Work
Start Date :
Apr 21, 2023
Last Date :
Jun 01, 2023
05:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has said India’s G20 agenda will be inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented, and decisive, establishing a presidency of healing, ...

Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has said India’s G20 agenda will be inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented, and decisive, establishing a presidency of healing, harmony, and hope.

Automation and ground-breaking technological advancements are fundamentally changing the nature of work in more than one way. Trends such as demographic transitions and technological changes such as Industry 4.0, Web 3.0, and extended reality technology bring immense possibilities that will forever change lives. This would imply significant workplace transformations and changes in the future of work that would be beyond human imagination. And to thrive in this new ‘World of Work,’ it is vital that skilling stakeholders comprehend these new trends and capacitate the existing education and skilling ecosystems.

Therefore, basis the announcements made in the ongoing discussions in the G20 Education Working Group 2023, the key takeaways about the future of the work are as follows and we seek ideas and suggestions from the public and other stakeholders on the same:

• The G20 Education Working Group has deliberated on pathways to make technology-enabled learning more inclusive, qualitative, and collaborative at every level.
• With the rise of automation across industries, it is imperative to mainstream foundational skills into the curriculum framework and facilitate dynamic learning over the life cycle to not only effectively measure the learning outcomes but also ensure people keep pace with the current factors of change. Education stakeholders must collaborate and focus on strengthening the foundational learning framework by leveraging technology and blended learning to ensure that students are equipped with the necessities for the future.
• The future of work is driven by the rising awareness of decarbonization and building a sustainable business, and the G20 countries recognise the importance of collective action in tackling environmental challenges as well as promoting transitions towards more flexible, transparent, and cleaner energy systems.

Showing 1038 Submission(s)

5 Days' Week!
I thinnk, "5 days' Week" be Reconsidered as normally Staff starts work at 11.00 AM on Mondays & stops at 3.00 PM on Fridays! It delays work, keeps resources idle; makes people helpless. Please if not '6 days Week', at least "2nd & 4th Saturdays Off" system be Reintroduced.

Hemin Thakkar 1 year 3 months ago

Space military is very important in coming days. The trained youth with space travel, Space strike , space fight with missiles & special guns and space movements are play very important role for upcoming wars. The super power country will have to work with numbers of new aspects of space war( star war).
Arun Prakash Aggarwal 1 year 3 months ago

It is pleasure to see Ashram education tabloid in the new parliament building dedicated to our nation by our beloved PM recently. We need to revive our culture of education system on the Ashram culture where pupils were admitted from all walks of life poor or king without caring their cast or religion. Education be given on all subjects with practical training. Higher studied be allowed in respective fields based on individual's performance. All pupils be given exposure to all religions up to the age of 12-14 when they may choose their religion based on studies rather than birth. The performance in professional training should decide their profession, like doctor, engineer, economist, musician etc. rather than Brahmin, vaish etc. When pupils live together 24×7 at a place for about 300 days a year will have stronger social bonding to build our nation rather resort to all sorts of undesirable acts. Military training for 2 years must be given to all to get discipline and harsh life.

Bhavya 1 year 3 months ago

Under G20 meet of comimtee of industrialists it should be disscussed that how to mordernize Heavy Engineering Plants with less capital investment .How It can help company to stand on its Legs and make gigantic projects.

Bhavya 1 year 3 months ago

HEC(Heavy Engineering Corporation) ,Government Enterprise , company today requires funds from Center Govt. to mordernize it's Plants and machineries. To make the company sustainable. It requires funds to give wages to employees. new projects under " Make in India". should be given to company. Hope Center solve problem in 3 months . It is better to funds for mordernisation. HEC is pride of Ranchi. We request Please visit Ranchi and HEC in person meet employee and see condition. Enormous power to adhere in defense, railway, steel, space. Give Back HEC all it's right by contract renewal with public and private enterprises. We are egarly waiting for visit of Prime Minister to Ranchi. It is always better to make a company sustainable rather than giving it's shares to others. Please solve the problem as it is urgent.

AtharvaSachinSanpurkar 1 year 3 months ago

The problem is that the education that the students are getting till the age of 22-25 teaches them compartively very less practical implementable knowledge and majorly is a donkey work with no meaning. The child after completing his/her education neither is filled with good morals, nor good health neither he/she has skills that are employable. A youth that is Fit, active, skilled will be a tremendous asset to the country. I have attached a PDF.The PDF discusses a proposed new syllabus for primary education in India. The syllabus represents a significant shift in teaching approaches, aiming to move away from rote learning and instead focusing on the development of practical, intuitive skills. The syllabus emphasizes communication skills, reading, writing, math, and the arts, along with moral values and character development. The syllabus also proposes that students be allowed to pursue additional skills outside of school and receive equal recognition alongside core subjects.

Hemin Thakkar 1 year 3 months ago

Try to allot an interesting area works to all technology teachers (professors). Remove all other clerical works and try to provide more space and time to interact with students and student activities.

saran singh
saran singh 1 year 3 months ago

भविष्य हमारा पर्यावरण को सुरक्षित करने के लिए समर्पित करना होगा जिसके लिए शिक्षा को प्रकृति के साथ जुड़ हर व्यक्ति को सामाजिक जिमेदार बनाना मानव विकास के लिए मिल का पत्थर होगा