Internationalization of higher education

Internationalization of higher education
Start Date :
Jan 22, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Globalization has resulted in greater cross border higher education. However, there is a need for a better policy that encourages collaborations, student faculty mobility etc. What ...

Globalization has resulted in greater cross border higher education. However, there is a need for a better policy that encourages collaborations, student faculty mobility etc. What are the changes necessary to bring promote internationalization of HE.

Showing 731 Submission(s)
HARKULBUDRUK SINDHUDURG 8 years 10 months ago

Now a Days the whole world is linked with each other so it is important to link education too. Every student or citizen may know the modern trends, invention, discoveries, etc. in different sectors. In this way every knock and corner of the world might update with the advance knowledge.

Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve
Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve 8 years 10 months ago

Student and faculty exchange programmes should be extended and strengthened. Inviting foreign select quality institutes to share their teaching learning with Indian students. Identifying the best Indian institutions to collaborate with selected foreign institutes under cross border educational exchange programme. Providing facilities and infrastructure to attract foreign education providers in selected cities like Pune or Surat etc.

Amitkumar Sudam Rathod
Amitkumar Sudam Rathod 8 years 10 months ago

जि.प.उच्च.प्राथमिक.केंद्र.शाळा.पार्डी(न) पं.स.घाटंजी.जि.यवतमाळ.केंद्रातील सर्व 11 शाळांचे मत पुढील प्रमाणे - Foreign universities and their courses may be introduced in the Indian University Campuses with MoU. There must focus on the courses that can provide job opportunitiesNow a Days the whole world is linked with each other so it is important to link education too. Every student or citizen may know the modern trends, invention, discoveries, etc. in different sectors.
SEEL GAON ALWAR 8 years 10 months ago

In the present scenario globalization of education system is very necessary. By doing this countries can interact with each other without any difficulty and share their talent without any difficulty.
BEDGA OSMANABAD 8 years 10 months ago

It's good thing to achieve knowledge through globe but achieved knowledge should be used only for our nation.make the system for that
Dr S P Rasal 8 years 10 months ago

I oppose GATS. pls don't sign GATS which completely destroys our Indian education system, culture tradition. and poor people or a common man can't able to get higher education through this policy. so pls don't sign. we don't want foreigners to come here and teach us. we oppose GATS.