Governance reforms for quality

Governance reforms for quality
Start Date :
Jan 22, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

This theme invites inputs of the various types of reform needed to create better governance structures in State Universities and Centrally Funded institutions that will help in ...

This theme invites inputs of the various types of reform needed to create better governance structures in State Universities and Centrally Funded institutions that will help in improving their academic quality.

Showing 918 Submission(s)
Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve
Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve 8 years 10 months ago

Introduction of gradual administrative, academic & financial autonomy with accountability transparency and social justice, participation of MLA , MP's and civil societies in the IQAC, special education service like IAS, empowering the office of principal in terms of expenditure and accountability , centralize process of selection in he university for faculty.

shankar pandit sodage
shankar pandit sodage 8 years 10 months ago

Only practical subjects should be teached in colleges. therotical subjects should be transferd to distance education centers. HE is should be under central Govt.

m rajivlochan
m rajivlochan 8 years 10 months ago

Increase fee? No no. How does that help? Let the fee be low. But insist that students are getting a one-shot chance at HE. That means, anyone who fails goes out to do something else. The Ashramshalas of Maharashtra have this system in place since the 1970s and it works well in ensuring seriousness among students.

At the moment most HE institutions end up being baby sitting programmes for unemployed youth while they search employment. Education remains secondary to these youth.

m rajivlochan
m rajivlochan 8 years 10 months ago

CFIs promoting excellence:
At the moment there is no self-reflection among the CFIs on their reason for existence, role in society, the actual contribution they make to society. These questions are already asked in NAAC evaluations. But they need to be encouraged within the CFI--
maybe have interactive seminars between the CFI and the surrounding civil society in which the society can tell the CFIs what society thinks of them.