Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening for Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions

Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening for Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions
Start Date :
Jul 04, 2023
Last Date :
Jul 15, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

To address the growing concerns in the present Accreditation and Ranking systems of the Government of India had constituted a High-Level Committee. This Committee considered the ...

To address the growing concerns in the present Accreditation and Ranking systems of the Government of India had constituted a High-Level Committee. This Committee considered the introduction of strategic reforms consistent with the vision of the National Education Policy 2020 and the need for adopting a simple, trust-based, objective and rationalized system for approval, accreditation and ranking of Higher Educational Institutions with a verifiable and secured centralised database through technology-driven modern systems. Methodologies for facilitating Ease of Doing Business for the stakeholders, duly facilitating students in making more informed choices for selection of institutions/ programmes were also considered by the Committee.

After a series of deliberations, a High-Level Committee has submitted its draft Report on ‘Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions in India’ to the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India.

In light of this, MyGov, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, seeks feedback and suggestions from all the stakeholders for the finalisation of the report.

This report has now been placed in the public domain until 15th July 2023.

Showing 324 Submission(s)
kislay kumar_10
kislay kumar 1 year 1 month ago

सबसे अहम कड़ी शिक्षा है इसको हम जितना आगे बढ़ाएंगे उतना ही हमारे लिए या फिर आने वाली चिड़ियों के लिए उत्तम से उत्तम की ओर रहेंगे और देश में किया जा सकता है

SURESH KUMAR GURUSAMY 1 year 1 month ago

Namaste sir. During Accreditation students welfare which includes Hostel ,canteen, Health center, Library and network facilities must be considered for ranking. Accreditation team may stay inside the campus and check mess menus to make the Accreditation lively. Definitely it'll help the UGC and Ministry of Education to make further developments in Higher Education Institutions. Even though more circulars have been given about myGov for various activities, there is no feedbacks about implementations. The above suggestions are most important to reach Government initiatives for Students welfare. Implementations are most important than Announcements. This is need for the hour. Jai hind

SURESH KUMAR GURUSAMY 1 year 1 month ago

Namaste sir. More initiatives have been implemented for students welfare by Ministry of Education and UGC. Students are the main heroes to run Higher Education Institutions. Without students, no Institutions and no staff. So,students welfare is more important than other promoting activities. Separate Portal may be introduced by UGC to know how the Higher Education Institutions have implemented the UGC circulars with Evidences. Because, UGC is a Big wing to manage all Higher Education Institutions in our country. Our Ministry of Education introduced more development activities for students and staff. when the time of Accreditation, the team must verify the Implementations. Depends upon the performance the respected team may award ranks. Jai hind


Honorable PM Dear Modi,

Education Shall be a free run in country. so that quality education is not run by rules , Open the freedom of education across country and stop education business running today ...
Gov shall focus on giving free education to all at every level and stage irrespective of parents financial status .
if 100 crore students want to be doctors or engineers let there be free to attend and accessible at every small town or village like anganwadi centers .

open the degital education system and common exam to deliver certificate which will be recognised equally across country .

today Education is big time business , we need to decode it from business to service industry . or non profit organizations .

1. Equality in constitution laws to all ,
2. population control law applicable to all
3. religious institutions and religious places shall be taken over by gov completely and not allow any financial activities in religious places .

Maney more

Nazakat Ahmed 1 year 1 month ago

implementing a standardized assessment framework: Develop a comprehensive and standardized assessment framework that encompasses various aspects of higher education institutions, such as teaching quality, research output, student outcomes, infrastructure, governance, and community engagement.

Focus on learning outcomes: Emphasize the importance of learning outcomes assessment to ensure that students are gaining the necessary knowledge and skills. Encourage institutions to align their curriculum with industry requirements and societal needs, enabling students to be job-ready upon graduation.

Regular external evaluations: Conduct periodic external evaluations by independent accrediting bodies to ensure objectivity and impartiality in the assessment process. These evaluations should consider multiple stakeholders' perspectives, including students, faculty, alumni, and employers.

Strengthen faculty development programs: Emphasize the professional development of faculty members,

SURESH KUMAR GURUSAMY 1 year 1 month ago

Namaste sir. NEP is a Milestone in India's Education History. Special marks may be allotted for the Higher Education Institutions who are all implemented NEP as per Ministry of Education norms. At the time of Accreditation only teaching performance of the Higher Education Institutions highlighted. Behind the success more Centralised facilities involved. some Computer Centres of Higher Education Institutions are doing great job in making the Institutions to Digitalization. Digital India is the main aim of our Honourable PM and Government. So,Technical team's contributions must be taken in to account while the Accreditation. Definitely it'll give more strength and enthusiasm for supporting staff. Jai hind

Gulab Supnar
Gulab Supnar 1 year 1 month ago

हर एक विद्यार्थी को अपने नजदिक से नजदिक स्कुल होनी चाहिये ताकी वो अच्छी शिक्षा मिल सके

SURESH KUMAR GURUSAMY 1 year 1 month ago

Namaste sir. Accreditation with ranking system is very important to know the status and in improvement of Higher Education Institutions. Most of the Higher Education Institutions wanted to highlight them for time being for getting ranking. In the view of Accreditation work some Professors of Higher Education Institutions involved as consultants. This may be eliminated by surprise visits of Accreditation team. A common Confidential students portal with questionnaire may help to know the teaching quality of Higher Education Institutions. Definitely the above exercise will keep all Higher Education Institutions to maintain standards for best Academic outputs. Dedicated Professors and Active facilitating Departments must be honoured to recognize them for more enthusiasm. Jai hind

vunnavalalita 1 year 1 month ago

बडे शहरो मे अंग्रैजी माध्यम के विद्यालय ज्यादा होते है , पर छोटे शहरो और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रो में क्षेत्रीय भाषा या हिन्दी माध्यम के विदयालय होते है।इसलिये वे ज्ञानी होने के बाद भी वे उच्च शिक्षा जैसे आई .आई।.एम या आइ आइ टी उच्षाच शिक्षा की तैयारी नही कर पाते। उच्च शिक्षा के लिये हिन्दी माध्यम उर क्षेत्रीय भाषा में भी होना चाहिये।
